Monday, August 18, 2014

At the Mountains of Madness - a H.P. Lovecraft tribute

Every year, in Second Life, a Festival in honour of the famous dark fiction writer H.P. Lovecraft is organized by the Second Life's HP Lovecraft Roleplay Group (HPL-RPG), around his anniversary date of birth.

This year, the Festival will take place from today, Monday 18th at 7pm SLT (that's 4am for Europeans, 3am for UK...) until August 25th at 6pm SLT.
Once again, all of their fund raising efforts will go to their charity of choice, Autism National Committee (AutCom).

This year will be a little more special because on top of all the fun rides, merchants arcade, stage shows and hunt planned, there will be a thrilling interactive experience thought as a tribute to Lovecraft's terrifiying tale "At the Mountains of Madness".
Take a ride from the vendor/events area towards adventure in Antarctica and below... And discover the horror that lies in the depths of the frozen landscape.

Jimmy Branagh mastered the creation of this chilling tribute and since I saw it I can tell you it is absolutely amazing!
Make sure to use the advised lighting settings to enjoy fully the experience (requires basic and atmospheric shaders, Advanced Lighting Model, shadows on with sun/moon + projectors, and use the "[TOR] NIGHT - Nocturne" environment settings sky).

Find here the Festival's website, with landmark to the welcome area.

Also, you can get there from the hidden temple in New Babbage, if you are a worthy Cthulhu worshipper (click the part of wall that covers the corner on your right to enter the temple).

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